!8th century opaline paste necklace

18th century opaline paste necklace

An 18th century opaline paste necklace with ribbon fittings, circa 1780. Opaline paste was made in Derbyshire in England and in France. It was usually cut en cabochon and set over rose-pink foil to give it its distinctive hue. Opaline was favoured for daytime fashion, especially when combined with colourless paste. This opaline necklace is 7 inches long and has ribbon fittings, so it will fit a neck of any size. The opaline pastes are set in foiled, closed back silver settings within surrounds of colourless paste. Each paste section measures one inch by 3/4 of an inch and the pendant drop measures 1 and 1/4 inches by 3/4 of an inch. There are dents in the silver reverse, lord only knows how they got there but they are there!
